The Chow Lab heads to TAGC16

I will be heading to GSA’s The Allied Genetics Conference next week in Orlando (AKA TAGC16). It’s unique in that, for the first time, GSA is attempting to bring together all the model organism genetics under one roof. THERE WILL BE A LOT OF SCIENCE! 

This is especially exciting for the Chow Lab because this will be the first national meeting where we present our own science. Our work spans multiple model organisms and crosses functional and quantitative barriers. This made TAGC16 especially exciting for us, but also like Sophie’s Choice, trying to decide which project to present. Rather than choosing, we submitted two abstracts!

Our mouse project was chosen for a talk. We have been investigating the effects of ER stress on the placenta. We are using RNAseq and small RNAseq to explore how ER stress reorganizes transcriptional networks in the placenta. I will be giving the talk during the Mouse Development session on Thursday from 4-6PM. Talk M272

Our fly project was chosen for a poster. We have been exploring the pathogenesis underlying lethality in a Drosophila model of NGLY1 deficiency. This is mostly the work of our tech, Katie Owings. It’s turning out to be a really interesting story! Please drop by and check it out. Poster D1331

I also contributed to a talk and a poster from my postdoc with Andy Clark and Mariana Wolfner
1.    D121: Investigating the female’s role in sperm competition in Drosophila melanogaster.
2.    D1408: Male genotype-specific transcriptional responses to mating in female Drosophila melanogaster.

I will also be moderating the "Comparative Genomics, Computational Methods and Evolution" session on Thursday morning with Steve Munger

Finally, I am particularly excited to be a mentor at the “Mentoring Roundtables” event on Thursday from 12:30-1:30. I will be at the “Transition to Independence” table. Come hear about what has worked for me (so far) in my transition.

I hope you find me and say “hi”, but more importantly, I hope you’ll look for our science and give us feedback!