The Chow Lab is heading to ASHG

The Chow Lab is heading to ASHG this coming week. Here’s what we’re doing at the meeting:

Thursday 11:30 in room 302 - PgmNr 183: "Diet rescues lethality in a model of NGLY1 deficiency, a rare deglycosylation disorder."
-    Clement will be discussing this exciting new project in the lab. Come hear about how we use model organisms to learn about rare diseases.

Clement will be co-moderating a session on Saturday morning at 10:15 in room 119: “Session #84: Novel Discoveries in Mendelian Disease”
-    This will be great. Come hear about recent advances and new discoveries related to Mendelian disease.

Josh Lowry, one of our postdocs, is attending as a first timer to ASHG! If you see him, say hi!

And…We are looking for people interested in working on rare disease. If you’re interested, find Clement or contact him